Hi Tech & Corporate

Consulting and ongoing legal representation for entrepreneurs, companies and corporations.

The right way for someone who is interested in forming a business or venture and create a bond between people of mutual interests, growth and realizing the economic-social potential of the business, is by incorporating in one of the legal entities available by law.

The above mentioned is true in any venture or collaboration – whether you choose to open a restaurant, a store, a commercial website, develop an innovative product or even if you grant a service which is socially centered, rather than commercially.

There are different considerations to take into account when choosing the right legal entity under which you wish to incorporate yourself, such us: the object of the activity (whether social or commercial), revenue, number of partners or participants, the business model, etc.

Sekler Levi Law Firm represents and advises various forms of incorporation and in variety of industries, such us: Food, Pharmaceuticals, Tech and Cyber, e-commerce, real estate, renewable energy, communications, fashion etc. 

We provide our services to stratup companies and mature corporations alike and to corporations’ stakeholders, executives and investors, throughout the venture’s life cycle, beginning with incorporation and development, moving on to capital raising and M&A or public offerings.

Our Services